HemaGel® NEW

HemaGel® NEW is a patented medical device, which was
developed again at the Institute of Macromolecular
Chemistry Czech Academy of Sciences. It brings a new
generation of polymer that effectively heals both acute
and especially chronic wounds such as:
- Leg ulcers of various etiology
- Bedsores (decubitus)
- Chronic wounds in patients with diabetes
- But also, acute wounds of various etiology and burns of the first and second degrees

Triple hit with HemaGel® NEW
HemaGel® NEW, thanks to its unique structure, can basically ensure optimal conditions for healing on
the wound. Its effect not only eliminates ROS, but also effectively harmonizes the microbial
population of the wound and prevents the entry of infection from the outside.
Last but not least, it ensures a moist environment in the wound and mechanical protection of the
new healed tissue.

What makes HemaGel® NEW special?
- It is an interpenetrating polymer network= all components are tightly bound and none of them are released from the polymer structure.
- Not absorbed into the organism.
- Does not interact with other medications.
- Guarantees a long-term stable effect on the surface of the wound (there is no local reduction in a polymer concentration).
- Ensures an even distribution of functional components on the base of the wound.
- Applied in a very thin layer.

Mechanism of action

How to use HemaGel® NEW correctly?
Rinse the wound under running water
If there are HemaGel® NEW residues on the wound, gently remove
them. Dry the wound or let it dry
Apply a thin layer of HemaGel® NEW on the wound
1) There is a risk of wiping of
If the wound is in a place where the HemaGel® NEW is at risk
of being wiped off, we must cover the HemaGel® NEW with a
tulle gras.
2) There is no risk of wiping of
If the wound is in a place where is no risk of wiping off the
HemaGel® NEW, we do not need to cover it with a patch or a
Then cover with a secondary covering - a bandage or a gauze square
If the wound is smaller, you can cover the HemaGel® NEW layer
with a pad plaster. Before taping, apply a thin layer of gel to the
pad as well so that HemaGel® NEW does not absorb from the
wound. For chronic wounds, re-dress after 24-48 hours, depending
on the condition of the wound. In well-healing wounds, the
interval between re-dressings can be even longer.

Exclusive distributor for Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.
Targa team a. s. – www.targateam.cz
VH Pharma, a. s.
Jakubská 647/2
110 01 Prague 1