
Logo HemaGel

What are Free Oxygen Radicals ROS?

These are very reactive particles with an unpaired electron, which, thanks to their instability, can disrupt and destroy healthy cells and thereby slow down or even stop wound healing. Healing is disrupted by Free Oxygen Radicals that form wherever an injury occurs. In damaged cells there are often activated Enzymes, which themselves create these radicals and hydrogen peroxide, which leads to an increase in reactive oxygen products in the damaged tissue. An excessive concentration of ROS causes damages even to healthy cells, which leads to the development of an inflammatory reaction and slows down the formation of new tissue and thus the wound healing. The adverse effect of excessive ROS production on the healing process of damaged tissue has been documented in the medical literature since the early 1990s, as well as the positive effect of substances limiting the action of ROS (e.g. antioxidants). This vicious circle can only be broken by scavenging free radicals and thereby speeding up the overall healing time of the wound, which goes hand in hand with financial savings, but also, of course, the comfort of the patient

RSA Technology

ROS scavenging

Our products contain patented polymers of various types, but they each have embedded shielded amines built into their structure. In this way, among other things, it functions as a very effective scavenger of reactive oxygen products (ROS), which it subsequently converts into stable, harmless compounds for the organism and especially for the environment above the wound.

Effect of polymers in the framework of individual healing phases

The fundamental difference compared to other available products is that the EFFECTS OF OUR PRODUCTS DOES
The healing effect of the products and
the polymers contained in them is caused solely by their chemical structure, which immediately after
application establishes IDEAL CONDITIONS in the wound by eliminating the negative effects of ROS and possibly
microbial settlement in the wound.

A characteristic of all products is that they are not absorbed, they act only on the surface of the wound, and
their effect therefore does not diminish over time.

They promote the formation of granulation tissue, but suppress hypergranulation. In the epithelialization phase,
they support cell division and their overgrowth from the edges of the wound. They soften the new tissue,
prevent the compression of the scarred tissue and thus the contraction of the surrounding skin. Even with longterm use, they do not macerate the tissue.


The product to support the healing of inflammatory diseases,
which today we refer to under the trade name HemaGel®, was
developed at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, public research
institution. This top scientific center has been dedicated to
science and research for half a century and gave rise to one of
the most famous Czech inventions of all time – contact lenses.

Otto Wichterle
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
The history of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry began in the 1950s. A successful scientific symposium on macromolecules, which took place in Prague in 1957, was the impetus for the creation of a specialized workplace focusing on this rapidly developing scientific branch. IMC was founded in 1959 as part of the Academy of Sciences and its first director was Professor Otto Wichterle, whose name is forever associated with the invention and subsequently the start of production of soft contact and intraocular lenses. In recent years, IMC has focused on three main areas: research of biomacromolecular systems, investigation of the dynamics and self-organization of molecular and supramolecular polymer formations and the preparation, characterization and use of new polymers with controlled structure and properties.
Since its inception, IMC has emphasized both polymer chemistry and polymer physics. At the same time, the point of view of balance between theoretical, basic and applied research was maintained here. The effort was also devoted to the application of research results in industrial production. Among the most important practical results in the 1960s were the alkaline polymerization of caprolactam and the preparation of hydrophilic polymers based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate).

Authors of patents

vh dark

Exclusive distributor for Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.

Targa team a. s. – www.targateam.cz


VH Pharma, a. s.

Jakubská 647/2

110 01 Prague 1
